Thursday, December 27, 2007

American Dream? What is the cost?

Note, this is just me rambling out loud in Blog form. No homeowners, or mortgage payers, or homes were harmed during this creation. Nor is this directed at any particular group(s),
person(s), or individual(s) nor their values/ideals/dreams.

American house & pay it off in your lifetime...

Saw a headline on some newspaper today about how the current housing issues, and/or, crisis in our country is reshaping America. 'Tis odd to drive along some roads around here in Seaside & see former military housing units all boarded up. Kind of a good word picture. Some, if not the majority, don't have the luxury, for whatever the reason(s), to buy a home. So what becomes of those peoplez dreams? They can waste time on thinking upon the American dream which won't become a reality & possibly feel cruddy about themselves & not being able to keep up with their peers. Or they can reshape their thoughts upon what really matters & what is most important. I'm sure some choose to move far far & away, to a more affordable area just to have a piece of that American pie. But what do they give up in doing so? Everything they've built up where they have been living. I've asked self thousands of times, why stay on the Central Coast where the cost of living is ugh?! Why stay in California? The thought "Bloom where you're planted" returns to remind me that all is well. Others choose to live in affordable areas & then enter into unfathomable daily commutes. Add up such commute time a month & then project outwards & see what percent of one's life is spent in traffic jams. Meanwhile, the one(s) doing such commutes are exhausted/wiped out, leave before the sun rises, come home after the sun has set, & they miss out on the very persons & events under the roofs of the homes they commute to pay for. And that's a dream?

My definition of success is simply...Do I have what I need for my family today? And that sure got thrown for a loop during the unemployment stages. But the provision was always there.

I get to go to bed every night & hear the ocean .5 miles away. It doesn't get better than that for where we are at in the present moment.

Until later comes, turn it up to get Reshaped America...Get simple.