Monday, June 18, 2007

I lived in a yellow submarine for a moment

We were at the beach on Saturday hoping the sun would join us there. Brought the life vests for the boys & myself to possibly go out in me kayak providing wind & wave conditions were not too harsh. So after sitting in me chair for a bit & watching the surf it seemed to be kind of small & non-threatening. So I got the yak pumped up & ready to go but I went by myself for the first tour. I stood in the nice cold water watching the set of waves trying to time when to dart out past the surfline so I could just float around. I saw a lull & so I went for it. I have done this kind of entry before at the beach & I know that once you commit to getting out, you go for it as hard as you can until past the waves. I did paddle hard while watching the little bumps of already broken waves coming along that I breezed right through with no concern. Then I saw it. A lump appeared out of nowhere unexpectedly & I knew that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The lump got bigger & I paddled harder staring it down. Kind of like the attitude of you won't get me without a fight bucko! As I approached the wave that was forming I realized that no matter how hard I try & no matter what I'm a gonna do, this wave is going to break right on my bow & cause a lot of havoc upon my whole being. I haven't been in such a situation before & all I knew was paddle as hard as I could. I paddled hard & the wave broke just as I had expected on my bow & I sure helped it by leaning backwards, and it just smacked the yak, got it all topsy turvy, & going sideways. And as good as the yak is, it's not built for being pushed sideways by a wave & over it turns in the whitewater. I'm smacked down ma'an! Dude game over. I'm tumbling under water, & tumbling, which is not a big deal as I had my life vest on & such. The wave finally & graciously lets go of me, I get up & grab my soaking wet hat that rose to the surface & put it on my head anyway. I weighed about 20 pounds heavier as my sweatshirt is now soaked. I saunter over to the overturned yak, turned it right side up, grabbed one of it's rope things on the bow & out of breath & wiped out, I put my tail between my legs, my pride crushed, & I wander back to our spot on the beach. I must have swallowed a gallon of saltwater in the wipeout as my stomach was just going yuck for a bit afterwards. My arms were shaking from the unexpected 100 yard dash to compete with el bumpo wave that couldn't have been more than 3 feet in height that couldn't have waited about 5 more seconds to break. I was there ma'an. I had it made. And the wave said NO, you shall not pass. It would have been a hilarious video if Terra had taken one to post up on Stupid Videos.

Where's John? Oh he's enjoying his yellow submarine. ha.

Until later comes turn it up to ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha wipeout.

1 comment:

Jim said...
