Friday, December 05, 2008

I Sit

Written 12/5 1230

Wanted: Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer. Reality - Wanted somebody who can sit at their desk day after day & do very little to no actual work. I've said before & believe "At least I have a job & it's better than digging ditches." Actually I think I'd prefer digging ditches about now. The movie "Holes" is about a boy's youth prison facility out in the middle of desert nowhere & each day the attendees have to dig like 5 foot deep holes for apparently no reason other than to do it. There is more to the story but you'll have to read about it, or read the book or watch the movie. Basically I get up in the morning to look forward to sitting, sitting, & more sitting. Occasionally something will come up for me to do but it usually isn't too hard & it doesn't take too much time. Then it's back to more sitting & pondering & sometimes writing things such as this. I've been doing an occasional Yahoo Crossword but I know very few of the answers so I have to use their hint link. This existence is very odd. I'm not complaining because that doesn't help me or anyone. When you're younger & someone asks "What do you want to be when you grow up?" nobody answers "Terminally bored just sitting all day long." I know that we're in extremely odd & foreign times. The cubicle nation is crumbling more & more each day. And there doesn't seem to be any light shining in the tunnel of great uncertainty we're in. Without warning this position I have could fade away just as easily as any other position in any company right now. I am thankful to be sitting here as in having an attitude of gratitude. I sit therefore I am. I sit here to contribute to the defense that belongs to Uncle Sam. I sit to provide for my family daily green eggs & ham. I sit & read the news about things of which I usually do not give a damn. I sit while I watch the clock's hands. I sit near a view of the Monterey Bay which is grand. I sit always able & willing to do a task or to lend a hand. I sit but am often found blah from the bland. I sit in the "simply show up each day to say hi" employment plan. I sit & ponder my existence in a strange land. I sit here on my can.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Can you bring electronic learning courses and kits and soldering irons to your place of work? Can you read, at work, every word of every cowboy novel ever written by Larry McMurtry ("Lonesome Dove")? Ditto for Ian Fleming's original Bond novels? Can you tele-sit from your own home's sitting station?

I wish you some joy in your work, Brother. And soon.