Monday, January 29, 2007

Stripey thing...hmmm...Might have to try...

So I've already rambled, & ranted, about the concept of signature series guitar & amp models. And the new Fender replica of EVH's Frakenstrat for a whopping $25,000 just makes you go...why? Only collectors will buy them & they'll just sit in display cases or hang on walls which is fine as art is art eh? So I started poking around to see if someone provides EVH looking kit guitars one could build for themselves or if someone sold a clone that looked cool & sounded decent but not necessarily how EVH sounds. Stumbled upon this one site that I find very interesting & intriguing...

First there is the products available...drool

Then there's stripey heaven...

Then there's the possibility of these...drool again...

Then there's the interesting realm of building Exile for fun...If nothing else it's something the boys could kick around with.

Impressive collection:

But then I like the Stripey flame look...

Now a required exercise for the reader, that's you, is to pick a model & color scheme that you would go with & share your choice & why. The writer of this read, that's me, cannot help you make your choice. Assume that the testimonials are true & accurate & that the positive reviews on Harmony Central are true & accurate.

Till later comes...turn it up to affordable cool.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Amalgam o' stuff

So now in third week of the year and it's now time for an amalgam of stuffs...

Language - So outside one store near the boys' school is a sign on which words are placed. The words on the sign a bit ago were congrating a couple on their new baby & the sign said "It's a boy." I didn't think much of it but my wandering mind got stuck on that simple phrase commonly used to announce a birth. I got to thinking about the use of "It's" in that saying. It? It what? It who? Of course It refers to the baby. Isn't the baby a he or she? So why not "He's a boy!" or "She's a girl!" But that's redundant....Wouldn't want someone to end up writing "He's a girl!" or "She's a boy!" How about "The baby' s a boy!" or "The baby's a girl!" "It's..." ugh.

Service dogs - Terra's mom has trained her personal dog, a bouvier, to be her guide dog as mom is blind. Bouvier's are unique & I never even knew about them until meeting Terra. Anyway...It never fails that whenever she goes out-no people don't shout "John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt"- People always want to know about Hanna, the dog. Rule 1 is don't touch a service dog who is working. Rule 2 is how about you don't touch the dog at all. People ask mom a lot what kind of dog it is. I told her she should reply with "The kind that has fur & barks." Mom is always having to tell people, even though Hanna does have clear & visible signs that say don't touch her, to not touch her dog. I told her she should say to such people, "Do I walk up to you & poke you in the eyes? Well don't touch my eyes who happens to be Hanna!"

Weather - Yup it's cold. What else is new? Sheez. Go away cold, we need the rain. On our trip to Irvine this last weekend down the always & ever exciting I5 we saw citrus trees bare & some even covered with a thick layer of ice.

American Idol - Seatlle episode was pathetic. I never really like watching the show anyways but Terra was watching it the other night. Friends shouldn't let friends audition if they can't sing. If these people would just pause, & have someone taking a video clip of them doing their bit, they would be spared the public scrutiny of Simon & all.

Audio from DVD - Almost a why bother process. First, DVD technology is one of those great creations we get to enjoy. But we haven't tried to get anything for portability for the car for long trips yet. Doesn't mean we won't in the future. Anyway for our trip to So. Cal. I decided to use some available tools to grab the audio off of the Star Wars episodes 1-3 DVDs & them put the audio into mono .mp3 format. What a slow process that was. First gotta extract the audio in AC3 format, then gotta use another tool to convert the AC3 to .WAV format but does the tool actually produce mono even when selected in the UI? No. So then gotta load it all up in Audacity & convert to mono, compress & normalize-a step I forgot to do which made the quiet parts hard to hear, then spend a bit of time breaking the audio up into 30 minute chunks. Then there's the use of lame to create the .mp3. Shoulda just bought a portable DVD in the first place. laff. I did enjoy trying to follow along the story in me mind though. I think the boys enjoyed it as well.

Cloning musicians - I remember a few months ago checking out a video clip of a EVH look alike playing Cathedral. I was impressed for I hadn't even tried to play it yet. First feedback comment from someone was basically "Gotta play it faster." In my own practice of the thing with a metronome, I realized early on that a) I couldn't play as fast as Eddie does & b) I didn't have to play it that fast. Who cares if it's not as fast as EVH. First, Eddie has unusually long fingers. Second, he generally can out play anyone speed wise. Third, Eddie purposely wanted to make it hard for cats to copy him. Is the fun in trying to be exactly like the musician you are trying to clone or is the fun in playing something at a pace that works for you & brings you to your happy place? So right now my tempo is based upon a fixed & unchangeable delay value built into my amp. And I walk in the snow 20 miles uphill both ways while playing it & I like it that way. So until I dig out my Qverb 2 from the land down under in the garage, the tempo is what it will be with my own twists on the tune...Soon to be demonstrated in some form or another...

Welp that is the clutter of me ramblings for this now.