Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The influence of decades

I was thinking, yes we know John you think a lot but be brief please, in terms of decades & how the main issues of the time affect/affected society.

60's - Viet Nam, hippies, peace & love, psychedelia, & such, and all men elligible for the draft fearing their number would be picked. A challenged generation for sure.

70's - Nam recovery & fallout throughout the nation, I guess Disco music was the main thing I remember as I was 3 to 13 in that decade so I don't know much else than that. I deny all knowlege senator.

80's - The decade that hi-tech began & gizmoids & gadgets at home were becomming the norm, Disco being the norm & then dying to punk & new Wave music, & the Madonna & Divas & rap music mixed with the start of hard rock/metal fronted by Eddie Van Halen restoring the guitar to it's place in rock music in our side of the world. Music videos birthed.

90's - More & more high tech, Metal music & big & even bigger hair peaked & swiftly melted away to hip-hop, gangsta rap, boy/girl groups, & grunge, and even more tech gadgets, birth of cell phones. The generation of "push a button get a response & get angry when the response takes too long." The birth of CGI animation to contribute to the movie experience. The start of email as the norm of communication, thereby speeding up company productivity & helping people be a bit more connected, but at the same time email becomming the only way some communicated & so people started to become disconnected.

2000 - 9/11 & the world stopped for a moment to try & see what is important, and our nation was brought a bit closer together, Iraq's 1st chance at freedom from the unjust & dishonest dictator began but with that birth comes a lot of growing pains that nobody is able to stick around for as our soldiers are there in harm's way to serve our country & to protect the Iragi people who cannot do so for themselves. Reality shows. Hi-tech having a hangover from 20 years of partying & silicon valley going bust, the generation of Instant/text messaging, of DVDs, flat & plasma t.v.s, cell phones & personal portable gadgets that must be had by all, birth of digital media in portable formats, thereby leading society to beginning to become more isoloated & disconnected like never before & everyone fending for themselves. The very gizmoids & gadgets all are seeking contributing to global warming & the call to go green now. Green cars. Reunion tours of bands from the 80's. Paris Hilton being the spokesperson & example that all girls want to be & follow. If we don't live like we first did after 9/11 realizing what is important & that all the other stuff & the so & so who's hot in Hollywood or which celebrity has messed themselves up today, or what's the #1 anything on any chart doesn't matter.

Terra was profound in helping me learn that at about the same time the world was watching Princess Diana having her funeral and the media broadcasting it in celebrity style, the simple woman of love who gave her life to the poor & sick, Mother Theresa was having her funeral with a poor quality broadcast & most people not even aware of it.

In the golf world Tiger Woods is gifted & amazing & is watched & is the one who is hard to beat. The day after losing the U.S. Open, his baby was born. How many are going to talk just about that Tiger should've done this or that differently & he could've of won it with this shot or putt. And behind closed doors away from the media, I'm sure becomming acquainted with new angel & connecting deeply with his wife far outweigh being 2nd in the tournament. The business of golf for him has it place & time of course....just not now.

I find it interesting that two celebrities whom millions have watched, heard, & talked about have undergone life & perspective changing events...

1) Edward Van Halen - Guitar legend, Alcoholic & drug addict, all songs put out since '78 were about sex, drugs, or rock 'n roll maybe with some love schmooze ballad thrown, divorced, father of overweight teen, wanted to go out on the road with original singer with teen son as the bass player. So going out & once again spewing forth the not so great lyrics upon millions, the planned reunion summer tour is cancelled & he checks himself into rehab & comes out looking better & happy. He probably learned that he needed to become the father his son never had. Will his change for the better change anything about any future music or tours? Don't know, but I would hope so & millions would benefit from hearing from him. Doesn't matter if he ever plays live, records, or tours again. What he does with his time with his son & himself does matter.

2) Paris Hilton - Somehow became celebrity & just played & acted stoopid & was the model for fashion, selfishness, greed, etc. Forced into jail for her stuff, & supposedly has changed. Somehow I think her whiny snibbly whatever ways will take longer than a week in jail to make that a lasting positive change.

9/11 was an instant & put the system into shock & was a wakeup call. Perhaps celebrities who undergo such a transformation will somehow have a more lasting & positive influence & impact on society.


Steve said...

I wonder if Eddie is writing new, more personal and introspective songs which reflect upon his failed personal relationships. Or will he revert to the lyrics of 1980? One hopes he can return to either the brown sound of his youth, or to a brilliant new sound, and skip the over-synthesized sound of his failed later albums, while at the same time reaching a broader G-rated audience with new lyrics.

TheseGoToEleven said...

Brown or new but realistic sound...Go for it Ed-dee.

I recall reading some mag article, from early in band's history that he kept outta the lyrics part of the music. True? Who knows. Of course all the world would want the band to do their historical stuff. It would take him a great transformation, & much oomph, & courage to stand up to record execs & promoters & tell the world a) shut up & b) I'm doing only new stuff that I want to do for me. I really hope he does pull something off like that. Who knows what influence he has or control he takes over the lyrical content. If he had to search within far deep & wide enough & reflect on his life journey perhaps he would want to take a lot of control over that aspect of any future music.

He has stated clearly that he doesn't get along with people well. His place was hanging & hiding behind the guitar...period.

It will be interesting to see. He deserves to tour the world & be at his favorite place, the stage doing what he loves most, playing live. The music will always fade & the lights will always go off & the equipment will be hauled away. What would remain is that he did it his way & in a positive way & that we'd remember the man who is Ed-Dee.