Tuesday, July 10, 2007

They're kidding right?

Whilst driving home on Sunday am with the boys & Caleb's new found friends called chicken pox, Terra wanted to stop at this container store in some new shopping mecca on Steven's Creek Blvd. So we slowly hunt for the seemingly lacking open parking space in the parking garage thing they have there. Ok fast forwarding to trying to leave the garage. We're inching our way out behind the other cars. So apparently there's a new rule over the hill for parking garages that we weren't given knowledge of. Perhaps the memo didn't reach us. We stop for a car that is trying to back out. There really isn't any room for anyone to go anywhere while the backer is backing up. Yet to our left, not 1, but 2 & 3 cars go by thinking they're just going to sneak through some opening that has yet to exist in front of us all. The backer gets backed out & on their way & Terra starts to go & sure enough another lefty just goes by on our left & basically cuts us off. I figure all the commotion must have saved those sneaking by on the left perhaps a millisecond in their lives. But in their greed to get going they took up more than that of our time.

We are still dumbfounded at the impatience in this incident. I don't know if it's a culture thing or what. Ugh.

Until later comes turn it up darn lefty drivers in parking garages.

1 comment:

Steve said...

For one brief moment in modern times, drivers, most drivers, were cautious and slow and courteous. That was on 9/11. Within a week, that moment ended. The crazies and impatients are everywhere.