Monday, August 20, 2007

iThought I saw a big strange commercial...

This is your local neighborhood me just rambling. I have no idea what this will become once I introduce what the subject is about in this rambles. Nobody has to agree with me. It's just my blah blah opinion.

I watched the VH1 whatever press conference tonight for the Van Halen tour whilst diddling with kid clothing, aka laundry. I saw 3 ol' guys and an underage kid overhyping how great they are & how awesome & blah-de-blee-de-blah. I looked at them & said, "I don't care." I only cared about the guitar parts in the first place. I didn't care what the words were nor who was singing 'em.

Now before I continue, I think it's great that EVH is smiling, happy, sober, & playing & such. What disappoints me that in his 'new perspective' EVH & band are going to go out & play the same ol' older than PG-rated songs to the lemmings who just want to see guitar carnage. And I know that I shouldn't be surprised that they would go out & play their old stuff; I knew they would. After all they are a rock legend & that's what they do. If Hendrix suddenly appeared for a press conference announcing a tour, he'd do the same thing & he'd sell out just as fast. I'm speculating that momma Valerie will be tending to keeping wolfie outta the inappropriate scene. I just think it's stupid to put Wolfie into that adult mix. So what if he's a great bass player. Hello, he's not old enough for the scene nor for the lyrics.

Why is it EVH can reconcile with DLR but not with Michael Anthony? Oh that's right, what king EVH wants, king EVH gets. I'd have slightly more respect if Michael was playing instead of king junior. Haven't they learned anything in their older ages that the lyrical spooge that they've created is just that...spooge? They're cashing in because they can. Just because it's there to play, doesn't mean it should be played. But that's my own cringing opinion. Do something new & more meaningful for cryin' out loud.

I'm mad at the man whoever the man is. I don't know why I am but it just is. Maybe I'm mad at stripes or brown sound. I dunno. Maybe I'm mad at burgers burned brown. How does one go from being a recluse druggie drunk to smiling & playing well & not having the guts to say no to the old junk? Because it's all about the business of music ma'an.

Edward why are you doin' the ol' groovin'?
Spewing forth the gibberish upon the drooling humans
You are different now as the new is bloomin'
What good is it to resurrect the old in your renewin'?
Legendary, yes but there's nothing you need to be proovin'
But I guess you are entitled to do yer same ol' doin'
I shouldn't judge I know but you've overcome yer usin'
I guess for you to do away with the old was my own delusion
For you are a product to be marketed & the old is the money making solution
Does the world really need to hear once again the lyrical confusion?
I'd rather just hear you than all the in between noise pollution
You are coasting upon the history & ya now be crusin'
Well I hope ya'll have a great party & find much to be amusin'
May you rock on Edward but into more positive content may you be movin'
You done good in gettin' rid of the stuff you were abusin'
May the tones & setups be with thee & may yer guitars be in tunin'
Take care of your son most of all for the scene will be quite overwhelming & consumin'
I don't know why but I'm mad at you for the path you be choosin'
I hope from this now forward you won't come into any ruin
Doesn't matter though; I hope that your 'new perspective' you won't be losin'

1 comment:

Jim said...

I read once way back in school when I did a book report on Jimi Hendrix that it was his reluctance to keep playing the same hits over and over again that contributed to his depression and ultimately his death. According to this author, Hendrix was a blues guitarist who loved to improvise, who just also happened to release a few major hits. Who knows if the story is true, but it is interesting to think about how maybe musicians get trapped by their own success.