Thursday, December 11, 2008


The boys & I watched the movie "A Dennis The Menace Christmas." Mr. Wilson is the neighbor of the menace that Dennis be. When asked about things of Christmas Mr. Wilson called Christmas "shameless capitalism." In a time of the crumbling of debt laiden lives & companies, the last thing we need is to be bombarded by advertisements for buying things on credit. So this last weekend a commercial was on for Sears. Hey guess what? Get a Sears card & pay no interest until 2012. Today, Yahoo's main page has an ad for an Amercian Express gold looking card with the headline of "How To Say Success." What a crock of hooey. Success for me is simply having food, clothing, shelter, & some quality time with my wife & kids each day. The dangling of the buying power carrot in front of people continues. And it will always be there & will continue. Is it shameless capitalism on the parts of those offering such credit offers? It's certainly capitalism of course. And afterall customers buying things on credit has become the norm for retailers to sell their products & survive. You can just hear the robotic voice in mr. or mrs. retailer's head "Must make a sale. Must offer credit to all & their fleas to make a sale. We don't care if they can pay it back or not. Must sell sell sell." I'm sure this is part of the root issue with Circuit City's floundering & having to file. How the Tribune Company can accumulate billions in debt & still function is quite bizarre. But then we only need to look at our own states & federal government to see that defecit spending is the norm & accepted as is & the status quo. I personally wouldn't call such credit offers shameless but I think trying to continue with what has been the norm is a root flaw in our grand economic wheel. Stop the wheel I'd like to get off & just sit a spell in simple basics of life. When all else fails eat a hamburger or have some chocolate & enjoy something of nature nearest you.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Cheeseburger was eaten for lunch today. And I agree.