Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jammers & Jams that are hidden & lost to time...

We all, well most of those interested in things of guitar players, & jams & such, know the story of Michael Jackson & the solo part of the song Beat It. Edward Van Halen was asked to come do the solo for it & EVH agreed to just do it for free or what have you. Then the solo became one of top leads EVH has ever done & it was probably 1 take or so. Sheez. And it's a song lost to time as well as a 'classic' lead being lost to the wind. I remember way back then Mad magazine did a spoof about it somehow how having funny drawings of Jackson and/or his people calling Edward Van Halen and/or his people to see if EVH would just jam over to the studio to lay a solo down for the song Beat It and how EVH aftwards regretted doing it for free & fun as Beat It was such a huge hit. Guess you had to see the Mad Magazine issue or be there. Those who have ions of time could go try to dig it up somewhere I guess. Onward...

So that reminded of me of solos hidden in the popularity of movies in the industry & how the coolest riffs, music, & total outpouring of the musicians & their talents, etc. just hide. I still have yet to hear in full the song EVH & Alex Van Halen did for the movie Twister which got nominated for a Grammy. I'll have to do the EBay thing to get the sound track's CD I guess. So where I am rambling in all this? I dunno I forgot....uhm...oh yeah...lost or never heard or hidden solos. Sorry, I must have gotten lost for a moment or was it longer than that?

Music/soundtracks for movies are an odd entity aren't they? The music is a necessary part of the movie experience & is only a small miniscule part of the whole movie industry pie & that part of the pie is there for a moment then tossed & most likely unnoticed. I guess as a creator of anything, you learn how to pour yourself into your art in the present & then let it go unto history for those who partake in it from then on, especially those who go into retro mode. Just look at Star Wars & John Williams & all the orchestra members & all that was created for those movies but just it all just hides behind the story lines, action, & effects.

Very scary....Saw a sign in Watsonville for some small giggage of bands like Poison & Ratt. Talk about retro mid 80's. I wonder how many 80's-90's musicians decided to enter into rehab 'cause Eddie just finished his stay in it & came out of it looking much better? I remember a video clip from something about guitar in rock on VH1 thing & Dweezl Zappa said he molded his hair style & length to whatever it is Eddie did. I still remember the metal world being shocked & in disbelief that EVH cut his hair to break the big hair style & image of rock-dom. Hello...focus John...How did I get on this subject? I 'unno. Oh yeah retro things which is pertinent to the below.

So this is one of my favourite lead parts & it's just a few notes-the best leads usually are-with energy, power, & harmonic jammin....Can you name the song? Can you name the guitar player? If yes cool...If no, read on...
- All things of the above belong to somebody's copyright & trademarks.

If you couldn't guess the song yet then, can you name it from this full lead part? I'm sure the ending of the lead gives it away. But perhaps not. It is one of my fav leads...
- All things of the above belong to somebody's copyright & trademarks.

Answer cannot be disclosed until later from now.

I wish I had the teacher, I had in mid 90's that showed me I could write songs & record & such, when I was in my teens taking lessons from the nearest Guitar Showcase schmoe in town. I've always been a purist in that I want to get every note & nuance as the original. He just wasn't able to be that for the hard rockin' tunes & leads I wanted to emulate. I wanted to play the above referenced lead, but he just wasn't able to do/be that. Welp now I know better & I realized whilst listening to the above referenced song that started this rambling & wandering blog that I need to venture unto finding someone who does know or can learn the parts & then help me to a) play them as such & b) to get the guitars & equipment I already have to sound like it should or at least as I think I would like them to. I joked with a friend this AM, make me a great sounding amp that has a volume knob & a power button. Knobs & I do not get along well at all! It's almost worse than sibling rivalry between knobs & I.

Until later comes, turn it up to power to the music people

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