Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Troops & Iraq

Saturday when me pa was over for the boys game, we drove to Costco for Costco chow. And whilst travelling about I asked him from his wisdom & life experiences about the Iraq situation. The root of the issue is establishing diplomatic order & peace. Many argue, we didn't need an invitation to come in. Why do we need an invitation to leave? Establishing peace seems an insurmountable task. And the process is costing lives of citizens of the region & yes our soldiers. Would pulling troops out solve anything or do anything good for the people there? That to me seems like the adults walking out on a kindergarten class & let the kids do their own thing unsupervised all day long. What you get is mess, disorder, chaos, & most likely kids hurt or crying. I heard this in a moment yesterday on the radio when I was parking at a store & I didn't hear anything before these words
"...To serve & protect & to help the Iraqi people."

I do not know what all the little victories & successes are with troop present there. But I'm sure there are stories of courage, of feeling protected in a time of great fear, Of children seeing the troops there & knowing that there's someone here to help us because they're scared & unsure. When entering the service one is expected to have the courage to put onesself in harm's way for others. And serving the Iraqi people is the mission. I don't like to hear of attacks on our troops and some dying. The most common question is "What are they dying for?" They are simply dying so that others might have a better life than they have had in many years. So they aren't dying for nothing. They're dying for the freedom of oppressed people. There's no greater offering than to lay down one's life for one's friend or for one who you are helping. May the grieving friends & family of those who have died somehow come to realize that they died trying to help others in need.

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