Sunday, August 26, 2007


Right now I don’t want to think
I do not wish to just sit & dink
I should not & do not want to shrink
I’d rather just close my eyes & not blink
On the edge of adversity I am once again upon the brink
Glad I don’t smoke nothing nor do I drink
I pause & stretch to get out some of the kinks
Sometimes the things of life just plain stinks
But that’s part of the game & the mystery Inc.
Joy is a cuddly cat in my lap with his nose pink
But soon though I must get busy looking at links
Can’t I just be some band’s roadie or guitar tech; Ha & kidding wink wink
I ought to do some o’ the dishes in the kitchen sink
I can’t lay low too long like Egypt’s sphinx
I must send out some paper with those things called words in ink
In the silence of now visions of the next can come into being
I don’t have to understand about anything of purpose or meaning
My believing in the new window or door will result in my seeing
Have a nice now, afternoon, & onward into this evening
Maybe I’ll go get mindless & stare for a while at the t.v.
All I can do is just keep swimming & breathing

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