Thursday, August 23, 2007


Greetings blog reader(s),
First I claim all ignorance about the times & the issues. And I have not read or studied a thing about the times & the issues. So I'm going on only 1 source in this ramble. I was only very young at the time anyway.

I watched a documentary this week that was made in 2006 called The U.S. v.s John Lennon. All I really knew about him was The Beatles & songs & him being a song writer. That's it. Then he was shot dead.

I knew nothing of he & Yoko being the hard core activists they were in trying to join forces with other radicals to bring an end to the Viet Nam war. I did know of the "Give Peace A Chance" song. I learned that he & Yoko were basically an enemy of the state for the state hated him. The state was threatened by him. This quote was interesting "So flower power didn't work. Don't give up. Keep trying." They did, they kept pushing & pushing under the scrutiny & threats of the FBI. So the state used immigration to come after them to get them deported. I find it amusing that despite the state's best, injust, law bending attempts for 5 years to force deportation upon them, that the state failed. Peace was victorious over the injustice.

Lennon & Yoko stood their ground for wanting the war to come to an end & wanting peace. At the end of the documentary their lawyer shared that he got a call saying the appeals court has dropped the deportation issues as Watergate had already occurred. So the lawyer called John & that was the day they were on the way to the hospital to have their baby. Jullian was born on John's birthday & on the same day as freedom from the state.

One historian summed it up as "John was a man of trying to inspire peace. And that is admirable. Nixxon & Mr. Bush are men of death. And that's a bad thing."

Then I read on Yahoo headlines this morning about some U.S. report doubting the Iraqi leaders' ability to govern. Without diplomacy & leadership, what's a nation without peace supposed to do? It's a Mad Max kind of genre. May some out of the box radical visionary in our times figure out how to establish peace there. Our troops are there in harm's way to help the Iraqi people. That is admirable. But a way to peace must be found.

The word Shalom is a blessing. Shalom means peace, completeness, harmony, health, & welfare. May Shalom be upon Iraq & all who can influence change to bring about positive change.

Until later comes turn it up to Shalom.

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