Wednesday, March 28, 2007

DRM Ramble - Jobs made some good points

So many dinners ago brother Glop sent along a link to Steve Jobs writing about digital rights media, DRM. T'was interesting to read. I found it amusing that, according to Jobs, most music is still purchased on CDs which is totally unprotected content. Each consumer has the ability to post the unprotected content, illegally of course, on the web for others to steal. I also found it interesting that if the major music giants were to discontinue requiring DRM, that Jobs & Apple would happily embrace that paradigm shift & remove the DRM stuff that's in place. I just have to laugh at the comedic irony that many strides are taken to protect digital music but at the same time the companies that require the DRM to be in place make available the same music, in unprotected form, on CDs. And I've probably repeated myself somehow in this ramble but hey why not. But hey why not. Wait I just said that.

Anyway...until later comes turn it up to protected content that for the most part remains unprotected.


Steve said...

EMI removes DRM, improves sound quality too

Jim said...

I think it's weird that Jobs puts the blame on the music industry, but Apple refuses to license it's DRM tech, which would also help fix the issue...

Will Jobs sing the same song when the same question comes up for his Pixar movies?