Friday, March 16, 2007

iYak - 1st yakkage of spring...

So hit the harbor with the yella water craft last early evening. Paddled out .8 miles from launch spot. Harbor entrace light house is about .5 miles from launch spot. So went out .3 miles from the entrance. Saw two otter friends during the journey whom I will call Flip & Flap & they will be my squisshies? huh? Nemo reference. Flip was in the harbor. Flap was out past my .8 miles. Some boater comin in mentioned that the CA grey whales are out there headin' north. I didn't see any this time around. T'was nice to float about & be bounced around by the oceans lumps & bumps. Paddled back in & saw Flap on his/her back chopping on some delicacy found on the harbor bottom. Did a power paddle from launch ramp to Crow's Nest & back which is about .25 miles 1 way. So all in all paddled & floated 2.1 miles. Need to build some stamina so I can do a paddle from harbor to Capitola beach. The Harbor is nice to train in because you don't have to worry so much about high & low tides along with head winds like you do at the Elkhorn Slough.

Until later comes, turn it up to drifting.

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