Friday, March 30, 2007

S'tar & other yakking bits

So hit the SC harbor with yella thingy. Just headed out to the harbor lighthouse thing & decided to head into the incoming high tide & paddled, from start, 1.4 miles, to the end of the SC Wharf where there were a couple o' starfish hanging on pilings & a sea lion barking constantly at nothing in particular. Theyz just gotta lot to say I guess. Turned around & just let the tide drift me inward & back towards the harbor. Other than a few moments of paddling for course correction, I got a free ride back to harbor mouth. Then paddled up into the back end of the harbor towards where Frederick St. Park is. No otters this journey. It sure took my mind off of bleed throughs & stripes & the state of do over.

Until later comes, turn it up to drifting along with the tide.

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