Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rock fame...

1) So watched the DVR recording of the rock hall of fame induction. Skipped through most of it. Watched the Van Halen part of it. And what I find amusing is that the two people that contributed very significantly to the band & who were cast away & no longer part of the 'drama' were the ones present for the induction. The others, exluding the obvious reasons for EVH, were where doing what? Who looked better to those watching on? They had every reason not to come but their presence there showed more courage & more maturity. And then they indicated that if a future tour opportunity for them to participate in came along they would just jump right in. Sammy mentioned "When we all grow up, myself included..." Perhaps Michael & Sammy have already done so.

2) I've noticed this in two different things. First is a show I recorded about how guitar & guitarists have influenced rock. Eddie was interviewed & he said that instead of pursuing the social life as a kid/teen, he'd just spend hours playing & learning. And then last night in one of the clips Eddie said something like "All I know how to do is play. I don't/can't talk to people very well." DING! LIGHT BULB! Why does he have any influence then on decisions made in the band then?

3) Why Velvet Revolver? I had to skip the song they did 'cause the singer was just plain strange wiggling around how he did. I did enjoy hearing Slash though. I wonder if the red stripe guitar the guy was playing was one of the Fender relics or the actual Frankie. Who knows.

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