Friday, November 17, 2006


Quick entry. I know that's not possible from this hyper typing me...

Way back many stuffy noses ago I would hear of people camping outside a theatre to be the first to view movies like Star Wars sequels & such. Ok, that doesn't seem to bizarre. And I've seen people camp out to try to get tickets to a concert. I can understand that as well. What I cannot fathom is people spending more than 1 24 hour period doing that. It's just a concert or movie. It's not one's life. The world will not end if you see the movie a week or two after it opens. You won't die if you're in the 50th row rather than in the front row for a concert.

So the paradigm for camping out for something has been raised up to a very neurotic level in my opinion. People camping out for days to buy....a video game console, PS3. As I write this I'm hearing a couple of co-workers talking about a riot at some store over the thing. Also heard was some began lining up on Wednesday outside a target store. They were told that Target was not going to honor their place/position in line & that the 'official' line would begin at 10 am today. The Wednesday folks didn't get the clue. And so there were two long lines each containing people wanting to storm the usual few doors a Target store has. Anybody ever hear of placing an advance order online & then waiting the needed time for it to arrive? Does it really matter if you get it on the 1st day or the 14th day after it starts to sell? No. Will one die having to wait? No.

And then I hear on the news that people are spending 4,000 to 10,000 to buy a unit on Ebay.

Until later comes, turn it up to neurosis.

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