Monday, November 13, 2006

iStardom & iLegends

A long while back I learned this little wisdom that a star/performer is remembered most for their most recent production. Their current value/worth is judged & based solely upon that with little to no regard to previous works or their life's collective body of creations. And the more famous & popular a star is, the more scrutiny they must endure by the media. It amazes me how much investment these people make just to 'make it' or get to 'the show' & more often than not, after they get to a peak they come crumbling down in an avalanche & boom it's all over. I remember several years ago Chris Rice was hosting some major music awards show & he just bluntly, & accurately stated to the audience, that 90% of them would not be back the next year. One of Jack Nicklaus' quotes in some golfer's quote book I had said something like "It's amazing to be considered the best when you only win about 30% of the time."

It's amazing how much energy fans & media put towards a someone one moment. And the next those same people are going "So & so who?" I chuckle to myself when I think upon the shows about one hit wonders or "Where are they now?" kinds of things. And the reason I chuckle is because I ask myself "Was it worth it to try to get there & be there?"

And yes this Monday ramble would not be complete without touching upon things of legends without mentioning the example of EVH. What do I think he's remembered most for in this time in history? For being an addict, narcissist, off the deep end, for poorly taken photos at some Elton John party thing, for a strange phone call he made to Howard Stern & presently hanging with a seemingly questionable collection of people, & unable to have long term relationships with family or long time band members. But there are some who look beyond his current 'image' & the current news about him & just want to think of him as being 'great' & being a 'hero' or 'legend.' People in this category probably could not understand what it is I have written in my prose stuff about him & think I'm crazy or I'm dissin' a legend. I'm sure even EVH wouldn't get it or he would think I'm just slammin' him like everyone else. Yes his contributions to music & guitar & equipment have been extraordinary. But that was then. Now I see a mess of a very gifted musician. If I could choose 1 band to be in for life, it would be The Ventures. Not because of their guitar playing. But because they are just simple down to earth guys who have stood the test of time & probably didn't care much about popularity & stardom.

There's many a version in email or on the net that is about asking one to name the last n people to have accomplished xyz & such. I got such an email from a friend this morning. And it included: "The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners...The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care ."

Until later comes, just be simple.

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