Monday, November 27, 2006

iSpeaker Mojo - Ugh....

It goes without saying that for every class/category/level of widget or wadget you might buy there's usually more than anyone would want to count number of manufacturers that make such things. And the obvious is that advertisements & online product descriptions try to woo & wow & almost brainwash the potential buyer. And because I'm middle-aged obvious man I had to state the obvious above obviously. And, as I learned earlier this year from personal yadda yaddas & blah blahs that it is human nature for groups of people, or categories of people, to naturally conform to what leaders or others do or they conform to some norm or standard & hence products become the 'hot item' or 'must have' thing of the moment or you won't be able to survive another second. Kind of like how Jim mentioned in his political speal about how the politicians want to make you think that if you don't vote on a something or someone the way they want you to the world, or the state, will come to an immediate end.

How did the SUV vehicle boom start anyway? Who knows? I'm quickly reminded of the outtake at the end of the movie Cars where Mater is coaching Hummers & other SUVs to get out into the dirt & go off-roading for the first time in their existence. One yells "But I've never been offroad before!"

When Terra & I went on our honeymoon in Mexico we were walking about puerto Vallarta in both the new & americanized touristy part as well as meandering through some back streets. We just wandered randomly by some back street tiny hole in the wall tortilla factory where one could walk in & buy tortillas hot off the line! We sampled some & they was great! A modern example is that of Krispy Cremes hot off the line! Yum! Sorry heart & gut & arteries!

So I did mention previously that I might, just might, pursue upgrading me two speakers in my overpowered monster of an amp that's more suited for live gigs than dinking around at home. And I've also spoken of the THD Hot Plate which is way expensive and the Marshall Brake which is even more ughage! Anyway...So I began hunting around for possible speaker choices to consider. First off I realized that there are only few models that are in the needed 80 to 100 watt range. The reason is most guitar hero types use 4x12 cabs so the speakers don't need to be as beefy. It's almost frustrating for the combo amp types. But it's also nice so as to not have to sift through myriads of speaker spooge & hundreds of different opinions. As I said, I don't care if I plug into some grey box or an, the fruit, orange with apples for pickups & it sounds decent. I don't care about the details nor the settings. I just want the fantasy turn it on & sound good clean, surfy, swirly, bluesy, EVH rhythm, & Satch or Vai or Hoey or George Lynch, or Gilmour lead. I also realized that the world has migrated to the well known manufacturers such as Celestion or Eminence speakers. They have a long history of course & there will always be debates & arguments & personal preferences that decide the popularity of things. And respect is due to such speakers that have created some of the greatest sounds on recordings. But does what most people get just cause Eddie did it, or does it, or any axe-person got it or has it mean it's the thing to conform to. NO I SAY! Do not conform to conformity dag narn it.

So, like the wandering about back streets in Mexico, I somehow found myself doing a search on Not that I like the name much but real people, not trying to hype the marketting crud, write their preferences & such. I came to find the little hole in the wall place called One quote on the aforementioned gear states "I would say anything that doesn't have Celestion printed on it. Weber VST make bloody fantastic speakers at great prices." So that sparked interest in what Weber has to offer. I even emailed to get a suggestion. Again, due to wattage, I'm limited to about 4 choices there as well. I think my main decision will be warm sound or 'uncolored' whatever that means. I poked around a bit more & encountered a much more affordable attenuator as well which I inquired about.

If a coin were to decide a speaker choice between a Weber model or a Celestion Classic Lead or some Eminence model I probably wouldn't notice a difference & wouldn't care either way because I couldn't tell the difference between playing a spoon or a knife.

So Glop, how's the wall o' transistors & resisters & flux capacitors coming along? Please include in the wall several speakers that somehow randomly make contact with the speaker cable connectoids for random amounts of time. Hey stop, what's that sound? It's now a Celestion, now it's some stock speaker crud, oh now it's a TedWeber & now it's some orange spooge thing. And now I'm playing through a cheese cloth based speaker with corn on the cob as the coil.

Untils later comes turn it up to something that makes sound.

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