Monday, November 06, 2006


So I strike a harmonic at you in your general direction. Why? Because they're there to share & one must be aurally blasted frequently by them to sustain life. Why? Because brother Glop has stated many times that a UCSB professor was infamous for the final exam question being Why? And the only answer was “Because.”

So the title is iPurplez. Why? Well it’s due to the popularity & marketing bondage the world feeds upon where there's iThis & iThat & iWhatever. So I just added my own i-word: iPurplez. But what does that really mean...really? It’s kind of along the same lines as the entity known as “The Blue Man” of The Blue Man Group. It’s not why. It’s not because. It's not something but it's not nothing. It's the stuff between something & nothing perhaps. It's not fiction & it's not reality. It's the stuff that lies between fiction & reality. It's the stuff between the lines & the moments of not playing between notes & chords. So as part of the journey of this iPurplez I look back upon some of my iProse that iWrote about things of purple. These are some purple excerpts....

Make It Sound Purple - iWrote 5/3/2005
Mr. soundman, make it sound purple (1)
In the corner I often sit in silence to vegetate & drool
And I pound on my blue Ibanez as an expression tool
"I've been had" is a joke nickname for my guitar brand
Of the blue & shark tooth inlay guitar I hold in my hands
My fingers wander along & babble in the fret land
To actually record something of worth, ha ha I seem to laugh
It's hard to not think of one's creations as useless trash
I would be one in the crowd of millions across the world's strands
It doesn't matter though for it is just an outlet to pound upon "the man"
But my fingers somehow continue to dance upon the fretlands
Who knows what will become of my simple guitar purple hands
- (1) When I took the recording class at Cabrillo College the instructor mentioned how a band he was recording said "Make it sound purple ma'an."

Purple & Haze – iWrote 5/29/2005
The purple & haze can do whatever it wants for that seems fair
Let the haze be purple & the purple be haze here & there
I'd be glad to take some of my purple haze & share
In the purple haze of life I sit here in my chair & I stare

Purple Lane – iWrote 5/10/2005
Life in the purple lane
Drifting here & there in the haze
Life in the purple lane
It's purple & haze kinds of days
Life goes on in the purple lane
Life is as life does in the purple lane
Haze is as haze does in the purple game
People are hazy when they are purple
If there was purple rain in the purple lane then we might start to hydroplane
It might be safer to just take a purple train
To avoid the stress of the purple lane strain
Life in the purple lane

Purple's Deep – iWrote 5/10/2005
Have you ever journeyed into purple's deep?
Have you ever journeyed into deep purple as you go to sleep?
Or does it take great courage to make the purple leap?
The law says that what you sow you will reap, so if you sow purple what deep will you reap?
Perhaps you'd feel safer if you would just go wait in the purple jeep
Excuse me while I just go fall down into a deep purple heap.

So the concept of iPurplez is based solely upon that phrase "Make it sound purple ma'an." It's like trying to see with your ears & to hear with your eyes & get beyond the boundaries of the boxes that we get stuck in as we go through iLife. If you watch a butterfly there is no pattern or boundaries to it's flight. It just goes where it desires.

So until later comes, be the purple peoplez.

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