Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A moment of the reminder of simplicity...

I mentioned forgetting simplicity in a previous post. Nephew Hopo, aka Jim, mentioned this in a comment to one of my posts:
"I like the flexibility my Line 6 gives me. But I don't like the fact that I have to tweak knobs for a long time to get a great sound, whereas my friend spends 20 seconds on his Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier and gets the sound he wants."

Now that's what I'm talking about.

My reply is I'm sick of knobs & buttons. Anyway back to simplicity. Now tell me this isn't weird...When I got home last night I noticed Terra had emptied a small but good sized box. I have sitting on the floor a too small of a box with the Phaser I got along with the two pedals brother Glop will be modifying soon. Anyway, so I took the bigger box & put the gizmoids in it and then moved on with the night's food events. Fast forward about an hour. So last night I was enjoying, & at times not enjoying, helping tired cranky boyzages with homework at the table. I looked down in the direction of where I placed the box o' stuff & right smack dab in the middle of the box is the logo for Tastefully Simple which is a mail order foods supplier. That just zapped me & confirmed simplicity, rather than Line 6 or otherwise complexity, is the way to go for this me in this time. And then later that night I ventured into the kitchen for a treat of a frozen nature & on the counter was some book or something that was from Tastefully Simple & on it was this quote:
“In cooking, as in the arts, simplicity is a sign of perfection." ~Curnonsky~

So I continue to chew on simplicity. Speaking of chewing, onward to the kitchen.

Until later comes, turn it up to chewy...(Not the wookie)

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