Thursday, November 23, 2006

iPickups & wires & coils & magnents...oh my...

Just taking a Thanksgiving evenin' to write out some drivel & rambles to wind down from a day of boyzages being very trying.

This ramble began yesterday by brother glop sending me a YouTube link to some EVH wannabe who has several posts on YouTube playing & teaching here & there things about EVH tricks on the fretlands. He posted one clip of just his guitars & equipment & settings. The last guitar he mentioned was his Ibanez which turns out to be the same model of Ibanez that I have...Here's a pic I found...

The video dude mentioned that he has Steve Vai Evolution pickups for the neck & bridge. That intrigued me as I've always wondered if the stock Ibanez pickups should be replaced. So that began a journey all about the net of inter to see what peoplez had to say about the DiMarzio Evolution pickups. First wall I ran into was that there are two types of pickups which are referred to as "Regular" or "F-Spaced." And of course I couldn't find a thing about whether the s540 that I have takes regular or F-Spaced in the neck & bridge positions. I finally gave up trying to figure it out & emailed the YouTube video guy & he nicely replied & mentioned that they were F-Spaced. Whew. Glad to have that answer. I'm sure I could've taken it into Guitar Showcase over the hill to have someone figure that out for me. So long story short....I could go with the Satriani setup of a DiMarzio PAF Pro in the neck & a DiMarzio "FRED" in the bridge. Or I could go with the Vai Neck Evolution for the, duh, neck pickup & Bridge Evolution for the, again duh, bridge position. Reviews are comparable for these pickups so for this pickup illiterate it's like flipping a coin. So I'm just going to stick to the PAF Pro & FRED thing. I don't think I'd be able to tell the difference between either configuration. There's always, don't like it, sell it on Craigslist or see if DiMarzio will take 'em back.

Until later comes turn it up to replacement pickups.

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