Tuesday, December 05, 2006

iDragon has been slain...

Avast ye dragon come forth & face your doom!

Who dares to enter my domain where I rule with fierce & swift injustice upon all who violate my will!

I sir John of Purple Soundage come forth unto thee to thwart thee dragon for the time of your reign has ended. The people shall be set free from your greed & rule of slavery!

Thou, a mere small meal of a mortal hast come forth to defend the pathetic peoplez I rule? What foolish folly have thee to think thou hast the strength & power to defeat me, Dragon of Crate! I will enjoy your failure in this encounter!

Show yourself dragon of Crate & prepare to be slain by my sword & shield. My sword is made of driver of screwiness & combined with the strength of nose of needles & lastly if I strike thee, thine flesh shall be burned harshly without pity for the iron of solder has been forged from the finest powers & metal found in the land of Shack of Radio.

Dost thou forget I’m a dragon & I have an impenetrable shield of scales? What else have ye to say before I send forth the raging inferno of mine breath upon thine miniscule pathetic being that thou be?

If thou claims to be powerful without defeat then demonstrate that unto me & prove that wrong am I!

With pleasure!

The battlefield is now prepared. Sir John takes up his weapon to stand his ground against the vile Dragon of Crate. Determined to defeat this enemy he prepares to strike at first site of Crate. His first strike is swift upon Crate. Out comes Crate’s long scaly fierce head & he is poised to strike back with the raging inferno of hate within him. Sir John reacts swiftly, without thought to escape the blaze that is about to ensue. Crate unleashes the volcano & the roar of the blast is intolerable. Crate looks where his target was & realizes that his first attempt has failed. Sir John knows that Crate cannot send forth another attack for a few moments. He strikes swiftly at Crate & almost strikes him across his horrid gaze. The blow knocks Crate back & he cannot fathom the strength of the blows of this simple mortal. The blow is so powerful that the strength of the nose of needles loosens the front plates of Crate. Sir John dashes swiftly out of the rugged rocks unto a large & completely unprotected flat area. His doom seems to be guaranteed with such a foolish move. Crate recovers from the blow & sets his glaring eyes upon his target out in the open. The battle continues on. After much toil & exchange of blows, Sir John finally strikes a harsh blow that penetrates & removes one of Crate’s smaller scales. Crate becomes dazed as John exposes the raw flesh. He now has a precise target he must strike soon or face his doom. Crate’s rage continues to build & he fails to notice the damage upon his being. Sir John dashes all about Crate who seems to be tiring as he’s never faced such a swift opponent before. Sir John forgets all else & places his entire mojo upon Crate’s one weak spot. Sir John knows that he will have only one chance to strike & hence achieve victory. His timing must be perfect or he will die. Crate has Sir John trapped in a corner & is preparing yet another blast of torture upon his pray. Just as Crate is about to unleash the fury Sir John charges forth with sword extended with his being calling upon the powers that be in his sword to activate the iron of solder. It’s been a long a grueling battle up to this point. The first to strike a blow will win this battle. Crate adjusts his line of fire as Sir John charges. Just as the explosive power of Crate’s deadly breath rages forth towards him Sir John Leaps forward with all is might with sword extended. The sword strikes the exposed flesh & Crate falls in defeat.

Sir John was the needed instrumental input to make way for the new fair & just leadership which has been bestowed upon the suffering who are no longer bound to the dark power of Crate. Sir John approaches the lifeless pile of rank stink & declares victory & proclaims in the name of Purple Soundage that today the lifeless & suffering will no longer be in suffering nor will they be lifeless. For Sir John’s quest was successful in taming the lifeless dragon whose every muscle, nerve, & joint was broken. Crate the Dragon’s dark reign will never be again. Sir John steps forth from the cavity where the dead one now dwells. He returns to his suffering people to help rebuild & reassemble the pieces of those he selflessly has vowed to defend. In Sir John’s honor the people have created 4 pillars each topped with a glowing lantern. Each has it’s own meaning. The first being a reminder of warmth & the warm soothing sounds echoed in the songs of the people. The second is light & also reminds all of the orange glow of the life-giving sun and to respect the provisions the earth gives to those who care for it. The third is the reminder of the power of the good in the people following the example of Sir John. The last is a bit brighter & is a reminder to amplify the first three amidst all the lands & not just in the land of Purple Soundage. Sir John often reflects on Crate & marvels that he, a simple man, was able to penetrate the mystery of Crate & bring forth a new uninterrupted & flawless flow of grace unto those he encounters in Purple Soundage & beyond. Sir John knows not when Crate become broken but it was obvious that poor input lead him to his doom. Sir John gives thanks that through his input new & solid connections via the Peaceful Compassionate Board (PCB) of leadership is now in place.

This has been a description of the fictitious kind. No person or dragon or Crate was hurt during the writing of this ramble. Any similarities between any of the above mentioned events or entities & any other party or parties in the real world is merely a coincidence & hey, stories happen.

Go forth unto this location precisely to view an artist’s rendering of some of the battle described in the ramble you have rambled through…Humor me...Dumb solder joint.
Click Me

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