Friday, December 22, 2006

iHeads up...

T'was the today of the present now
Had to get a work something done on a company day off...ow
Then he spent some time in quiet restin' on the couch
Me turned on the tele & watched the Shuttle was a bit of wow
For the news showed the pilot's heads up display & the little target box bouncin' around
I felt like I was watching a video game & the computer path was flown perfect & how
T'is always a good feeling to see the flying brick make it's landing touchdown
I've always marvelled at the Shuttle & the infinite complexities of a mission up & then back to the ground
Welp I continue on in this night in my holiday journey of rest & becomming unwound

It was very interesting to watch this little computer controlled flight path box move around the heads up display & the pilot just navigated by making sure his little round indicator was in the flight path box. I didn't even know they had a heads up thing in the Shuttle. Welp now I know. And I'm sure it's a nerve wrenching flight path to navigate. I think I tuned in when it was going about 1700 mph & 60 something miles out.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Download a free demo of X-Plane. You too can pilot a shuttle.