Monday, December 18, 2006

iSniffles & Coughffles

T'was the third weekday in a row & all through the house
He's stayed home to care for various sickly ones who aren't so full of bounce
Sniffles & coughffles & little drummer boy ear infections did so pounce
Thankful for the rest but boredom sets in easily & the blahs weigh upon him, more than an ounce
Oh he could tend to the myriads of chores that are just too many to count
Or he could play a rousing round of Diner Dash & earn more points & increase the amount
Then there's the various saved slots on XBox Snowboarding & the many ways to wipe out
There definitely isn't anything worth watching on the tele whilst drooling on the couch
He picks up a guitar & plays a tune or a few then and sometimes now
He has to be careful though to not let himself turn into any kind of grumpy grouch
'Tis better to be at home than sitting idle at work twumb thiddling & doing the internet browse
The Emmitt cat stares at him & tells him all about things with his meow
What is it fuzzy & furry child? No you cannot go outside & tour your favorite places all about
So on coffee, on laundry, on various things that need to be done, he says with a brief shout
Welp that now it for is from this simple this me unto thou & I won't stop & take a bow

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