Sunday, December 24, 2006

iHoliday Parodies

(To the tune of let it snow)
Oh the traffic outside is frightful
The people in the stores are so happy & delightful
Let us shop, let us shop, let us shop

(Tune of Jingle Bells)
1) Dashing through the stores
On their tired & weary legs
Gotta buy & buy some more
What am I gonna get aunt Peg?
Registers go beeeeeeep
Many lacking sleep
They look so darn happy
While they're grinding teeth

2) Gotta shop
Gotta shop
Gotta get something for pop
What am I
Going to find
For me dear ol' ma

3) Am I done with my list?
Have I checked it over thrice?
Have the kids been naughty?
Or have they really been nice?
It's that special time
Where parents are tired & fried
Gotta wrap & wrap all the stuff
So the gifts'll be piled high

4) Can I sleep?
Can I sleep?
Cocktail genie send a drink
I'm going nuts
I'm about to freak
Please someone send a shrink

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