Monday, December 11, 2006


T'was two weeks before Christmas and all through the house
There were boxes & decorations all over & some wires to be unwound
T'was raining outside & amidst the walls the 3 children did bounce
Mom sick in bed with a bad cold & dad just wanting to crash on the couch
Comic relief is always needed so dad doesn't become a grinchy grouch
Then throw in an occasional round of SSX Snowboarding where video boarders go boom & OUCH!
Dad often checks the net of inter sites for the hot item gift that is nowhere to be found
No big deal he says whilst his fingers upon the keyboard continue to pound
He moves onward to look at the adult gizmoids & gadgetoids as he dost browse
Boys bickering & gettin' agro with each other is such a pleasant holiday sound
Oh come now children 'tis the season to be loving & giving & won't you please just calm down
I didn't know that the wild & crazy boy circus was now in town
Must you pounce upon your brother as he tries to get up from the ground?
Hmm, it seems that you have forgotten you're all inside, could you not be so loud?
Too bad I can't make 'em go outside & shovel snow & be human plows
They's just was doing what high energy boys do & the mom & dad are thankful & proud
T'was just a holiday season Sunday inside whilst the needed rain fell from the clouds
Now this big ol' elf sits in silence at work sluffing off the weekend tornados for recovery is allowed
And I'm thankful that I'm not at a center of shopping amidst the shopping crowd
T'was two weeks before Christmas & the Holidaze is in my brain bouncing all around (1)
Oh look a purple reindeer over there, like ma'an that's really far out wow

(1) Play on words from lyrics from Twisted Christmas tune Holidaze done to the music of Purple Haze

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