Wednesday, December 13, 2006

iDunno Mojo

T'was the now after a moment ago
Isn't that weird & whoa?
How'd that happen? I just don't know
Maybe it was something in my cup o' joe
It's crazy silly strange like Larry, Curly, & Mo
Maybe I need to find some kind of new mojo
I don't have happy feet nor do I have a happy toe
Just hangin' here & goin' with the boredom flow
It's almost that time of year for ho ho ho
Where upon the children new gifts are bestowed
For some it's a great season for others they get down & low
And many live in the cold areas where it is zero or below
Too cold for my bones so to being there I say no
Unless I'm up on a mountain skiing down it really slow
Where falling down is a requirement...Doh!
It's fun to once in a while visit the snow
Welp each moment comes & wow ma'an there they goes
Always remember you can't pick your friend's nose
This ramble & drivel says nothing much & is not much of a show
So I conclude with a moment, there it went, of the status quo
By giving ya a "Shout out," "Word Up," "Forshizzle," & a yo yo yo!
Uhm...Ok....right....what's all this then? I dunno

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